As I reach the end of my time in the International Baccalaureate Program, I find myself wanting to do more than a standard, run-of-the-mill essay to reflect upon and evaluate my time executing creativity, action, and service (CAS). And with that, I have decided to post my experiences here, on the internet, so all who choose to enter these slightly questionable and most certainly certifiably insane pages may travel the journey of CAS with me, and hopefully stay beyond these few months of quiet reflection and into the great unknown that is the future. With that, the journey into deep thoughts, fond memories, and many posts begins here.
As per the directions from the higher beings (the faceless people myself and others in the IB so fondly call the "IB Gods," hereafter named so), I will spend my time here reflecting on how my time in the IB has allowed me to increase awareness of my strengths and areas of growth, undertake new challenges, plan and initiate activities, work collaboratively with others, show perseverance and commitment in my activities, engage with issues of global importance, consider the ethical implications of my actions, and finally, develop new skills. These eight points, from here on to be known as "learning outcomes," (or "lobster outfits," depending on whether I happen to be in an especially sarcastic or humorous mood) will be the focus of my impending reflections.
At this time, you have been briefed to the extent which your security clearance will allow. To gain a higher level of clearance, I suggest a hot cup of tea, cocoa, or coffee, and a few chapters of a nice book. Then, we will discuss a higher security clearance.
Until then,
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